The #AxeHeads will help maintain our brand’s 300-year-old tradition by sharing their own experiences using Hults Bruk’s legendary Swedish steel axes. Ambassadors receive a Hults Bruk axe to test and review each quarter of the year, plus additional Hults Bruk swag and bragging rights. Individuals were selected based on their knowledge and expertise using axes for a variety of applications, ranging from woodcraft and firecraft to wilderness exploration, plus their ability to connect with other enthusiasts through social media.
Please join us in welcoming the 2016 Hults Bruk #AxeHeads…
- Carl Pawlowski’s passion for the outdoors stems from a childhood spent at a Muskoka summer camp canoeing, swimming, hiking and practicing survival skills. Since then, he has organized dozens of trips through Ontario’s wilderness including Algonquin, Lake Superior, French River and beyond into New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Maine. Carl’s other passion is photography, which luckily goes hand in hand with adventure. Working as a Sustainability Consultant, he further commits himself to the environment and its preservation for all to enjoy.
- Colton Chapman is a full time bicycle mechanic/cyclist and an aspiring leatherworker from from a small town just north of the Illinois and the Wisconsin border. He enjoys creating things for other outdoorsman, especially if its axe related! The axe is his favorite tool whether hiking or camping, and he says “There are so many uses for just one tool and it feels like I am using a piece of history at the same time. I am not a professional axeman or outdoorsman by any means but having fun, learning and experiencing new things along the way while sharing what knowledge and skill we do have is what it’s all about!”
- Jared Allement, a self-proclaimed axe junkie from a small town in north Louisiana, has been collecting and restoring axes for 3.5 years. It all started when he purchased an old Lakeside hatchet. Countless hours of research led to the restoration of his first axe and he’s been hooked ever since. Jared has restored over 100 axes in his free time, when he’s not working full time as a forester. To fuel his addiction, he occasionally sells his restorations and enjoys testing them in the field. He’s expecting his first child in November and says, “When we found out it was a girl, I knew I already had the perfect hatchet for her! It’s a vintage Plumb Girl Scout hatchet that I will finish restoring before she is born.”