Browsing posts from the category 1900s
December 21, 2020
Hults Bruk – Turpentine Pattern – Early 1900s
I am wondering what year this axe was manufactured. I would also like to know it’s handle length.
November 19, 2018
Posted in 1900s
Hults Bruk – Pre 1900s – Vermlands Axe
Köpte en stuga i somras och fick med alla möbler saker. Där hittade jag massa Yxhuvuden som jag fick bort all rost.
Fick äntligen idag fram att dessa Yxhuvuden var hultsbruk.
Nu till min fråga går det att datera på ett ungefär och går det att se vem som gjort dessa. Dem väger olika mkt men jag tror det är samma modell. Ena är på ca 1550 g och den andra är 1650 g. På ena yxhuvudet står det amma och någonting mer se bild 3 men vet ej någonting mer.
Min tanke var att jag ska göra en gårdsmuseum på allt som jag hittat och gjort i ordning för att kunna hänga på väggen i bagarstugan som är från 1800 talets slut.
Kan ni hjälpa mig med detta så skulle jag vara glad.
Translated via Google:
Bought a cottage this summer and got with all the furniture stuff. There I found a lot of Yxhuvuden as I got rid of all the rust.
Finally, it was announced today that these Yxhuvuden were hollowed out.
Now to my question, it is possible to date on a bit and see who did these. They weigh differently but I think it’s the same model. Ena is about 1550 g and the other is 1650 g. On one head there is a grandmother and something more see picture 3 but do not know anything more.
My idea was to make a farm museum of everything that I found and made it possible to hang on the wall in the back yard that dates back to the 1800s.
Can you help me with this, I would be happy.

November 19, 2018
Posted in 1900s
Hults Bruk – Maker’s Mark – 1884 to 1930
This one was dipped in red paint and used in a pub for a wall hanger. Didn’t know what I had until the stamp started to show. Well used and on its way to a new life outdoors.
1884 – 1930 HB Maker’s Mark with ‘Hults Bruk ABY – Made in Sweden”

April 2, 2018
Posted in 1900s, Unidentified
Hults Bruk – Pre 1900s – Collared Axe
I have been restoring these two axes I got last time I was in Sweden. Sorry there are two axes in the photos the smaller one says HB but I have know idea what it is for. I would love any information, type, age, use, handle length/shape. anything. Actually if you know anything about the other ax that would be great too. there is not a readable makers mark, all I know so far is that it is old:).

December 6, 2017
Posted in 1900s, Unidentified
Hults Bruk – Unidentified Pattern – 1900s
1900-1910, 2 1/2 lbs head on a 31” handle (for a 2m / 6’7” tall guy…). Still need to sharpen it properly.

November 20, 2017
Posted in 1900s, Central American
Hults Bruk – Unidentified Pattern – Pre 1930s
Beautiful Axe! But how old is it and what has it been used for? The hatchet is rather small. Is it original Bought it on loppis in Växjö for 20 sek!

November 1, 2017
Posted in 1900s, Turpentine
Hults Bruk Turpentine Pattern Axe Pre 1930
Bought in rough shape at a flea market. Would be fun to know the year of manufacturing!